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Jul 3, 2024
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We live in a three–dimensional world, but in God¿s kingdom there is a fourth dimension. It is entered only by faith. Once entered, there is found vast and sweeping provisions and spiritual equipment for God¿s work and personal development and growth. The fourth dimension is a new world of answered prayer that is discovered by only those hungry to experience the power and might of God in their lives and ministries. This best–selling book reveals the underlying principles for answered prayer, church renewal, and personal growth. These principles were developed and proven time and again by the pastor of the world¿s largest church in Seoul, Korea.
About the Author
Dr. David Yonggi Cho is the founding pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Central Church in Seoul, South Korea. The congregation numbers well over 730,000 members who are involved in more than 25,000 home cell groups. Dr. Cho is a well-known speaker and author. He has written numerous bestsellers, including The Fourth Dimension (Volumes 1 & 2), Successful Home Cell Groups, and Solving lifes Problems. May, 2008, commemorates his fiftieth anniversary in Christian ministry and subsequent retirement.
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