Native Son Book Autobiographies and Self Development Books

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    Store Name: Emerald Bookshop Call : 0535813439 2nd Telephone Number: 0279644768 Whatsapp Number: 0535813439 Location: Lapaz,Accra-Ghana Email ID: [email protected]
    Published on
    Mar 23, 2024
    In Stock

    This classic cautionary tale is a tense, graphic read that gives insights into the race issue in the US in the 1930s and the damage it does to both whites and blacks. It also gives important context to the ongoing race issues in that country: a historically toxic, inequitable, violent and oppressive society produces toxic, paranoid, violent people, whatever the basis for the oppression, be it race, class, ethnicity, religion or anything else.

    Quite apart from all the sociological and psychological insights, the novel itself is a gripping ride that just does not let up on the tension until the court scene, the long speeches and the epiphanies of the protagonist near the end that slow things down somewhat.

    Overall, a worthy read.



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