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Feb 10, 2025
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Do you want to know exactly where to find a medical glucometer in Ghana? Do you want to know its price and exactly which shops in Ghana have them for sale? You can find all that information and much more right here on, your product information portal. Shop the easy way!
One Touch Blood Glucometer have icon-driven interface with no setup, no coding, or no buttons. Just insert the strip to commence, apply blood, and results can be obtained in a matter of seconds.
High-low color and audio alerts – With audio alerts and color, you are alerted when blood glucose levels are extremely high or low.
High-low alarm reference card – It allows the doctor to customize your action plan empowering you to understand better what major corrective steps to undertake when alerted of extremely low or high blood glucose levels. So you can address hyper-and hypo-glycemic episodes immediately, based on the doctor’s advice.
Fast results – An accurate result in just 5 seconds. One Touch Select Simple Glucometer meets the ISO accuracy requirements of ISO 15197:200316.
Free Lifetime replacement – You can avail free lifetime replacement on registering your meter.
One Touch Zone – Collect points with every box of strips purchased and redeem gifts in the form of One Touch lancets and strips.
Quality care from Johnson & Johnson Private Ltd – Marketed by Johnson & Johnson Private Ltd., a name you can blindly trust for quality and care that you deserve.
Steps to Prepare the One Touch Glucose Meter
Easy handling and large display with auto coding technology along with lifetime warranty makes One Touch Glucose Meter the best blood glucose meter among glucometers in India. Here we have noted down the easy steps to prepare One Touch Glucose Meter.
At first highlight the language you want to choose and then press ok to activate the language.
In the Date and Time screen, select the actual date and time, and then press ok to activate it.
Repeat the same steps to set the day and month.
Select the hour and then press ok to activate it.
Repeat the same steps to set minutes and PM or AM.
If the settings are absolutely correct press ok to save them. If they are not correct, highlight change option and press ok to start over.
Code the glucometer: At first match the code on the meter and the code on test strip vial. It is essential to obtain the accurate results. Then find the code that is printed on the test strip vial. Next, insert a test strip that is the actual way to turn the meter on and display the code from your last test. Thereafter, a flashing “—“will appear on the display the first time you use the meter. Then change the code on the meter to match the code on the test strip vial. There after press ok to activate the change. If codes already match press ok to proceed to testing. When no button is pressed after five seconds, the display will advance to Apply Sample Screen.
How to Measure Blood Glucose Using One Touch Select Blood Glucose Monitor?
Before testing blood glucose levels by using One Touch Select Blood Glucose Monitor, be sure to wash your hands and the puncture site. Here we have listed below the steps to get an accurate reading using One Touch Select Blood Glucose Monitoring system.
Prepare the Lancing Device
At first, remove the blue cap by snapping it off. Thereafter insert a sterile lancet, twist it off the protective disk and snap the cap back on.
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