Mandela: My Prisoner, My Friend Autobiographies and Self Development Books

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    Store Name: Emerald Bookshop Call : 0535813439 2nd Telephone Number: 0279644768 Whatsapp Number: 0535813439 Location: Lapaz,Accra-Ghana Email ID: [email protected]
    Published on
    Aug 1, 2023
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    Want to know where to buy nelson mandela book in ghana? Want to knowthe price mandela  my prisoner my friend in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy and convenient way!

    This book is an inside look at the man, Mandela, by his former prison guard. Mandela’s stalwart heroism is shown as he abides his sentence day by day while continuing to work with friends outside the prison to end apartheid in South Africa. Christo Brand, his guard and friend, stays by his side through the years of struggle while Mandela awaits release.

    Raised in a multi-ethnic farming community, Afrikaner Christo Brand was confused and saddened when he first confronted the realities of South African apartheid. Conscripted into the military at 18, Brand chose to serve as a prison guard rather than embrace the brutality and danger inherent in the work of soldiers and policemen. Assigned to the maximum security facility on remote Robben Island, Brand was given charge of the country’s most infamous inmate: Nelson Mandela.

    For 12 years Brand watched Mandela scrub floors, empty his toilet bucket, grieve over the deaths of family and friends yet remain as strong as any freedom fighter in history. Won over by Madiba’s charm and authentic concern for the well-being of others, Brand became Mandela’s confidant and at times accomplice. Celebrating triumphs and suffering through many setbacks, the two men formed an unlikely bond, one that would endure until Mandela’s death.

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