Published on
Nov 6, 2024
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Do you want to know exactly where to buy Gluta C Insta White in Ghana? Do you want to know its price and exactly which shops in Ghana have them for sale? You can find all that information and much more right here on, your product information portal.
Gluta C Insta White Whitening Cream contains antioxidants Glutathione and Vitamin C Concentrate that work together to give you clearer, whiter skin.
Anti-aging and Advanced Skin Repair. The main actives in Gluta-C promote collagen production, resulting in younger-looking skin. It helps reduce signs of skin aging such as skin dullness, fine lines, and wrinkles. It also effectively repairs sun damaged skin.
Glycostech Gluta C also features Glycostech, a patented French technology that allows the main actives to quickly and effectively penetrate the skin. To achieve optimal whitening results use the complete Gluta-C Intensive Whitening product range.
Make sure you order your Gluta C directly from the retailer above now.
General specifications at a glance
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