
Foot Pedal Rubber Sealing Machine FRE400 Electronics

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GHC 1,500 GHC 1,300
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Store Name: Kave Ghana Call : 0543043678 Whatsapp Number: 0236050221 Location: Pigfarm,Accra-Ghana Email ID: Abjdivine1@gmail.com
Published on
Nov 7, 2024
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FRE 400 series foot stamping sealing machine can adhere the polyethylene, polypropylene and multi layer compound plastic and is a new safe and ideal sealing equipment. It is widely used in packaging food, medicine, electrical apparatus and factory equipment. These powerful sealer is used to seal bags for a great variety of industries and applications. They are economical and easy to use, and are perfect for entry-level, light duty sealing applications. They can seal a wide variety of heat-sealable materials, including PE,PPE, BOPP, cellophane, and laminations.

Impulse sealers fire a short burst of electricity through a specially designed heating wire to fuse the inner walls of bags. The length of the seal time will depend on the sealing characteristics of the bag being sealed. The operator places the bag between the sealing jaws and presses onto the pedal thus activating the unit. The seal process ends automatically once the preset seal time is reached. The operator retrieves the sealed bag and repeats the process. Bags are sealed repeatedly and uniformly.

The FRE 400 foot pedal sealing machine seals bags made of any thermosealable material( such as rubber bags). It is designed for light duty sealing applications. The machine is made of Metal and Plastic. It is simple to use and requires no operator training. Equipped with on and off switch and with a Power On Indicator Lamp. The adjustable Sealing time ranges fro 1– 3 Seconds (Most applications seal perfectly with less than 2 seconds)


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