
Dragon Delay Oil Spray 10ml Health and Wellness

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GHC 80
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Store Name: Bigger N Better Call : 0500000990 Whatsapp Number: 0500000990 Location: Kaneshie-Accra,Ghana Email ID: wilberfm1@gmail.com
Published on
Oct 17, 2024
In Stock

Dragon Oil sex delay spray Aims to extent the time of ejaculation, help male friends to have desired sex life and recover strength quickly. And also this product has an ability of bacteriostasis while do not have any side-effect for skin and no dependency.
[Dosage] : Spray on the glans 2-3 times 30-40mins before having sex, the dosage should be less according to different people, especially for the first user.
[Function] : This product will be absorbed within 5mins, works for 30mins to 3 hours. The effects will not disappeared by shower.
[Attention] : 1. this product is strong and well-efficient, the first-user should use less dosage.
2. over-useage may cause uncomfortable, it will be recovered until 4 hrs later.
3. people who is sensitive to alcohol should use this product cautiously.


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