Music for all of us Electronics


Music for all of us

Music can have a magical effect on all of us. It is so powerful that it can even revive a mentally stressed person. Where can you find music? Everywhere around us. Music exists even in a silent room. Though all this may sound too aloof, the truth is that music has the capability to solve even the most complicated ailments especially when it comes to controlling the body and mind. Meditation is thus at times coupled with light music to enhance its effect on the mind. Though there are different types of music based on the culture, society and economic environment of the people in a geographical region, music is believed to be universal and communicates only the good across boundaries.

What is the effect of music?

Music is believed to have been practiced since 55,000 years ago. Each period of life like the medieval, renaissance had their own style of music which grew and developed into the pop music, rock and subdivisions of light music we hear today.

Coming to the effect of music on human body, music soothes the human body. To begin with, it reduces the pulse rate, lowers high blood pressure and helps the person truly calm down and relax. Music has been an impact in medicinal field that it reduces stress management. Focused exercises like yoga are accompanied by chanting or music to incline the human brain which in turn improves concentration. It has been proven that music boosts the synchronization of the human mind and body which helps in building a balanced life.

Music as a medicine:

  • It has been observed that music when listened to in headphones reduces the anxiety levels especially in patients getting ready for any surgery.
  • Special children are encouraged to listen to music which develops their confidence levels and makes them feel secured.
  • In toddlers and young children, musical way of learning elevates the level of memory and helps them remember subjects for a longer time.
  • Listening to music can fight depression the best way, decrease stress levels & mood swings and also help tackle any kind of pain.
  • Music surges the levels of creativity and inculcates out-of-the-box thinking in children and adults. It helps the human brain to wander and imagine a virtual world which has a positive impact on their overall development.
  • Playing music for a newborn helps them to identify words, tones easier.
  • Toddlers tend to move with the music and remain brisk
  • When children listen to music in the form of poems, rhymes and songs it develops their listening ability and concentration levels.

About music therapy:

Music therapy is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, patients with brain injury and schizophrenia. The therapist engages with the client, understands the problem and then creates a plan which involves the kind of music the patient should listen to. Such therapies have proven to be very advantageous without any side effects.

Music is omnipresent and all we need to do is simply feel it. When we appreciate and follow this calming recreation, it helps us cross the aisle of life in a happier way.


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