
Longrich Alkaline Energy Cup Health and Wellness

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GHC 240
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Store Name: Maps Venture Call : 0249990616 2nd Telephone Number: 0247080067 Whatsapp Number: 0249990616 Location: Tema, Greater Accra, Ghana Email ID: livyoungroup@gmail.com
Published on
Dec 5, 2024
In Stock

Do you want to know exactly where to buy Longrich Alkaline Water Cup in Ghana? Do you want to know Longrich Alkaline cup price in Ghana and exactly which shops in Ghana have it for sale? You can find all that information and much more right here on reapp.com.gh!

General specifications- Longrich alkaline cup price in Ghana

Nano Energy water bottle adopted from advanced nano technology. Combined with tourmaline,
photocatalyst, active crystal and other natural mineral. Beautiful, healthy and durable to use.

1. The Energy cup will naturally transform your water.
2. Helps dissolve acid, quickly neutralizes toxins, maintains an acid-base balance and enhances immunity in your body from drinking water.
3. Helps with the following diseases gastrointestinal problems, constipation, diarrhea, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Also arthritis, cancer, diabetes,
tumors and other diseases caused by acidosis.
4. Creates a silky-smooth and sweet tasting water.
5. Low negative ORP (typically reduces the Oxygen Reduction Potential by at least 200mv) giving it strong and measurable antioxidant potential high in oxygen,
6. Improve sleep quality!
7. Energized body
8. Reduces stress

About Alkaline Water In Ghana

The lonrich alkaline cup is your water treatment plant on the go. It is made with your health in mind. Alkaline water detoxifies your body, enhances metabolism and it’s anti aging among other benefits.  It also increases the human energy level. Brightens the complexion as well.

Changes your water to Alkaline water which helps maintain the body’s pH level. It neutralises excess acid in the body for effective mechanism. Prevents cancerous cells in your body since they cannot leave in an alkaline medium. It also revives damaged cells, expel free radicals and prevents diseases like diabetes, epilepsy, asthma and heart diseases. The product has tourmaline gemstone which has a lot of benefits. Tourmaline emits far infrared radiation. Electromagnetic radiation in the far infrared range is able to boost the immune system and promote detoxification. In fact, far infrared therapy is widely used in Japan by Kikohshi, people who heal by the laying of hands. Make no mistake, tourmaline is powerful when your body is in need of detoxification. The far infrared rays created by tourmaline actually produce the same resonance in the body that is normally found in water. This form of resonance absorption helps relieve stress, increase alertness, stimulate circulation, and boost the immune system. Here are just a few of the powerful effects from tourmaline.

Reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. Alkaline water in Ghana is so beneficial and affordable as well. Get yours today!


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