
Xiaomi Powerful WiFi Booster Accessories for Mobile Phones

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Store Name: Tekghana Official Call : 0240119090 Whatsapp Number: 0240119090 Location: Accra, Ghana Email ID: tekghana@yahoo.com
Published on
May 21, 2024

Want to know where to buy xiaomi wifi in Ghana? Want to know xiaomi wifi price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!

Add Wi-Fi extenders to vastly speed up your gaming and movie-watching experience.The Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender Pro now comes with a 2×2 external antenna to maintain a transmission rate of 300Mbps while also increasing signal stability.

Easy Wi-Fi extension

Tired of Wi-Fi “dead zone”? Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender Pro can help you easily connect to the network.
Put the extender near the router, turn the power on and wait for the yellow indicator light to start flashing.
Scan the QR code to install the app and follow the instructions to add the device.
When the indicator light turns blue, pairing is complete.
Now you can simply unplug and plug the Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender Pro in a location for the best signal quality and coverage in your house, without needing to configure the extender again.

Boost your wireless network

Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender Pro connects to your router wirelessly, strengthening and expanding its signal to every corner of the home – even to those, hard-to-reach spots, such as bathrooms, balconies, bedrooms.
This ensures an increased coverage of reliable and high-speed Internet for devices such as notebooks, tablets, smartphones, game consoles and smart TVs.

Support up to 16 devices connected simultaneously

Once connected with an existing router, you always get a reliable connection wherever you watch TV, catch up with the latest series or share happy memories with the kids via video call.
Looking for high quality products right here is very easy with reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. Choose to shop the easy way!


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