
Why “A” Students Work For “C” Students Autobiographies and Self Development Books

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Published on
Aug 19, 2024
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General specifications at a glance

  • Why “A” Students Work For “C” Students
  • Kiyosaki expands on his belief that the school system was created to churn out ‘Es’ / Employees… those “A Students” who read well, memorize well and test well… and not the creative thinkers, visionaries and dreamers –entrepreneurs-in-the-making… those “C Students who grow up to be the innovators and creators of new ideas, businesses, applications and products.

Kiyosaki expands on his belief that the school system was created to churn out ‘Es’ / Employees… those “A Students” who read well, memorize well and test well… and not the creative thinkers, visionaries and dreamers –entrepreneurs-in-the-making… those “C Students who grow up to be the innovators and creators of new ideas, businesses, applications and products.

The book urges parents not to be obsessed with their kids’ “letter grades” (“good grades” might only mean they or the student themselves were successful in jamming a square peg into a round hole…) and focus, instead, on concepts, ideas, and helping their child find their true genius, their special gift. The path they can pursue with a love and true passion.

Robert showcases success stories of “C Students” who grew up to be phenomenal successes – and HIRED those “A Students”(attorneys, accountants, and other school-smart specialists) to work in their businesses… while the more average students, “B Students,” often find themselves in government-type jobs…

Not surprisingly, Kiyosaki will coin his own definitions of what “A,” “B,” and “C” stand for as he gives parents and their children bits of wisdom as well as insights and tools for navigating an ever-changing world… an Information Age world where the ability to change and adapt, understand relationships, and anticipate the future will shape their lives.

See other high quality books right here.


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