Published on
Mar 11, 2024
In Stock
Want to know where to buy varicose vein cream in Ghana? Want to know the price of varicose vein ointment in ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy and convenient way with reapp! Get yours now!
General specifications at a glance- Varicose Vein Cream In Ghana
step 1 (about 15 days): to effectively dissolve the coagulation of blood clots, gradually resolved venous thrombosis, to promote venous circulation, to relieve the swelling, pain, numbness and other symptoms.
Step 2 (about 30 days): varicose retraction, phlebitis disappeared, leg ulcers and wound begin to heal, necrotic function will gradually recover.
Step 3 (about 60 days): The flowing veins are gradually smooth, accelerate the blood circulation, the varicose veins are obviously improved, the blood viscosity, platelet aggregation was significantly reduced. Ulcer part gradually heals. new muscle will grow.
Step 4 (about 90 days): Repair veins. Vascular wall endothelial cells undergo regeneration, elastic regeneration, curvature of the vascular system, venous bolus extension, clinical symptoms disappeared. Inflamed area due to normal blood circulation, tissue regeneration, new muscle, skin pigmentation, encrusted grow gradually disappear and nerve fiber regeneration, neuromodulator ability to recover.
1. This product is topical preparations, prohibit oral;
2. Pregnant women disabled,
3. Allergic to the goods disabled;
4. Skin ulcers were disabled.
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