
Tropical Sun Crunchy Coconut Peanuts Food and Beverages

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GHC 80
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Remember, you saw it on Reapp Ghana!
Published on
Dec 5, 2024
In Stock

Want to know exactly where to buy tropical sun crunchy coconut peanuts in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way with reapp!

When normal peanuts just won’t do, it’s time to reach for Tropical Sun Crunchy Coconut Peanuts! Thanks to these delicious peanuts coated in a sweet and crunchy coconut cream shell, the snack game will NEVER be the same again. Be aware, these badboys are seriously addictive!

Oh, and they are high in protein and a winner of the prestigious Great Taste Award.

And if you’re feeling especially gluttonous, then feast your eyes on dessert-wizard Izy Hossack’s Crunchy Coconut Peanut Rocky Road recipe.

About Tropical Sun

At Tropical Sun, we live by the motto: ‘Variety is the spice of life’. Our journey started in 1996 when we began importing a few specialist ingredients and daily essentials for the UK’s thriving ethnic communities. As word spread, we began receiving requests for specific items from homelands far-afield: Spices, oils, drinks and snacks that helped people stay connected to their cultures. We love that food helps to bring people together!

In the two decades that followed, having explored the far-reaches of the earth for food delights, we’ve been fortunate enough to expand our offering to several hundred high-quality products, most of which are now available through this website (yay!), and many of which are available in independent stores and supermarkets across the UK. We’re extremely grateful and humbled to hear from our customers on a regular basis, whether receiving feedback on products or being given insights into closely guarded family recipes. Having been so focused on putting products onto shelves, we’re now looking to spend more time developing our online offering and expanding on our ‘In the Community’ projects so that we can inspire yet more people to tropicalise their food!

Looking for high quality products in Ghana is very easy with reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. Find all the food items, bed sheets, kitchen appliances, computer accessories, laptops, shoes and many others all the click of a button! Choose to shop the easy way!


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