
The Diary of a Young Girl Autobiographies and Self Development Books

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Store Name: Emerald Bookshop Call : 0535813439 2nd Telephone Number: 0536208900 Whatsapp Number: 0535813439 Location: Lapaz,Accra-Ghana Email ID: escapewap@gmail.com
Published on
Jun 14, 2024
In Stock

Anne Frank’s diary is a testament to the human spirit, to live through such terrible privations and share her innermost thoughts. The insights into human nature of this remarkable young woman into her own life and those around her are continually astonishing. You feel as if you are there with Anne and the others in that Secret Annex, and you only wish they all could have survived. What would Anne have accomplished later in life we can only guess. But she left behind a miraculous diary that has come to represent the experiences of many of the victims of the Holocaust while remaining uniquely her own story of a spirited young woman coming to terms with growing up in the midst of historic events and making sense of her family and those around her, feeling stirrings of love and the heartbreak of feeling misunderstood by everyone. She left behind an account that has inspired generations after her with her courage and honesty, and we can only be grateful that her words were preserved by her father and the people who tried to protect her family.


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