Published on
Oct 26, 2024
In Stock
Want to know where to buy syinix kettle in Ghana? Want to know synix kettle price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy and convenient way with reapp!
General specifications at a glance- Syinix kettle price in ghana
About Syinix
The purpose of making people’s lives easier is what the Syinix brand pursues with a wide range of high quality home appliances that are as smart and efficient as they are beautiful. Designed with a unique Japanese style that combines understated and simple lines with the theme color of green which symbolizes nature and health, the Syinix extensive product catalogue includes many electric appliances.
This syinix fan has 5 blades all measuring 18 inches. They are specially designed and positioned to ensure maximum cooling in your offices,homes,churches and others. There are three speed levels namely high,middle and low as such one can adjust speeds based on ones needs at that given point in time. It also comes with a remote control to ensure convenient use of the fan.
With Syinix, you’ve got the perfect appliances… for a better life.
See other high quality products in their various categories right here. Now you know a Syinix electric fan price in Ghana? Order yours directly from the retailer now!
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