Published on
May 12, 2024
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Want to know where to buy stone cutter in Ghana? Want to know stone cutter price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Choose to shop the easy way!
General specifications at a glance- Stone Cutter Price In Ghana
The start of a success story in the Einhell business
In 1964 Hans Einhell, until then proprietor of an installation business in Landau an der Isar, asked his nephew Josef Thannhuber to take over the firm. No one then could have had any inkling of the consequences this would have. Josef was in fact traveling abroad with the aim of learning his trade there and gaining further experience. Indeed, the dynamic young electrical engineer had very different plans for his own future than just carrying on his uncle’s rural craft business
Yet he ultimately allowed himself to be persuaded and his dynamism soon led him to develop new ideas, visions and products that really jump-started the established installation business of his uncle. And that is how Josef Thannhuber laid the original foundation for the rapid success story that is still continuing today. One key decision that demonstrates the foresight of the mechanical engineer, who was already thinking globally, can be seen in a clever move: he kept his uncle’s name for the firm, a name that over the course of the next half-century would become a byword among garden equipment and power tool brands – Einhell.
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