Published on
Jan 31, 2025
In Stock
Want to know where to buy schweppes tonic water in Ghana? Want to know the price of schweppes tonic water in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
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TONIC WATER began in 1783 as the world’s original soft drink. Its founder, Jacob Schweppe, was drawn to the new art of carbonating beverages, so he refined and patented his own process of creating mineral water.
Schweppes was the official drink of the 1851 GREAT EXHIBITION held at the Crystal Palace in London. The event made such an impact that the fountain is still featured on the logo today.
FOR OVER 235 YEARS, we’ve been refining the perfect way to elevate your everyday refreshment. With every sip of Schweppes, the dedication to quality, excellence, and the art of tastefulness, leaves us feeling simply refreshed.
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