
Sano X Detergents

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GHC 24
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Store Name: Adehye Global Call : 0544349748 2nd Telephone Number: null Whatsapp Number: 0594970988 Location: Fadama Road,Accra-Ghana Email ID: adehyeglobalgh@gmail.com
Published on
Sep 24, 2024
In Stock

Want to know where to buy Sano X toilet detergent products in Ghana? Want to know the price of Sano X toilet detergent products in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!

General specifications at a glance

  • For the cleanest toilets and 100 % stain removal

Fifty years ago, in a small hall on Levanda Street in Tel Aviv, Bruno Landsberg set up a small cleaning factory. The factory employed three employees who created the first two products of the company – mothballs against moths in cellophane bags and a product for cleaning toilets in a pink, sealed plastic bottle. Bruno named the toilet product “Sano” – a Latin name that means “clean”, and which derived from the saying “Mens sana in corpore sano,” which means “a healthy soul in a healthy body”. The product was very successful and its catchy name became the brand that all the company’s products currently bear.

Sano – Sustainable Israeli Pride

Today, Sano manufactures more than 500 different products in a wide variety of areas at five plants across the country, including laundry products, home care products, cleaning and hygiene products, kitchen accessories and useful products, air fresheners, insecticides, paper products and more.

Since its establishment, Sano has been sticking to several important principles: providing quality and efficient solutions for cleaning and maintenance issues, protecting the environment, maintaining equality for all its employees and managers, and constant attention to customers.

See other detergents right here.


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