
Sandisk Ultra Flair 3.0 Flashdrive 128GB Computer Accessories

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GHC 220
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Store Name: Compuville systems Call : 0267778667 2nd Telephone Number: 0303972421 Whatsapp Number: 0267778667 Location: Mile 7, New Achimota,Accra-Ghana Email ID: compuville86@gmail.com
Published on
Feb 16, 2025
In Stock

Want to know where to buy Sandisk Ultra Flair 3.0 Flashdrive 128GB in Ghana? Want to know Sandisk Ultra Flair 3.0 Flashdrive 128GB price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here!

General specifications at a glance- sandisk ultra flair 3.0 flashdrive 128GB price in Ghana

  • Sandisk Ultra Flair 3.0 Flashdrive 128GB
  • High-speed USB 3.0 performance of up to 150MB/s(1) [(1) Write to drive up to 15x faster than standard USB 2.0 drives (4MB/s); varies by drive capacity. Up to 150MB/s read speed. USB 3.0 port required. Based on internal testing; performance may be lower depending on host device, usage conditions, and other factors; 1MB=1,000,000 bytes]
  • Transfer a full-length movie in less than 30 seconds(2) [(2) Based on 1.2GB MPEG-4 video transfer with USB 3.0 host device. Results may vary based on host device, file attributes and other factors]
  • Transfer to drive up to 15 times faster than standard USB 2.0 drives(1)
  • Sleek, durable metal casing
  • Easy-to-use password protection for your private files(3) [(3)Password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption and is supported by Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Mac OS X v10.9 plus; Software download required for Mac, visit the SanDisk SecureAccess support page]

The SanDisk Ultra Flair USB 3.0 flash drive moves your files fast. Spend less time waiting to transfer files and enjoy high-speed USB 3.0 performance of up to 150MB/s. With transfer speeds to drive up to 15 times faster than standard USB 2.0 drives, you can transfer a full length movie in less than 30 seconds. Its durable and sleek metal casing is tough enough to handle knocks with style. And, with password protection, you can rest assured that your private files stay private. Help secure files in style with the SanDisk Ultra Flair USB 3.0 flash drive.

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