Published on
Aug 21, 2024
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Want to know exactly where to buy wawa in Ghana? Want to know the price of wawa board in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way with reapp!
General specifications at a glance- wawa board in ghana
Wawa is one of Africa’s leading export timbers. Though it occurs widely, it is particularly common, comes from a very large tree, 50m or more in height.This type of Timber whitish to pale straw with no difference between heartwood and sapwood. Texture medium to coarse; grain typically interlocked, giving a striped figure; lustrous; has an unpleasant smell when green but usually does not persist after drying.It can be used with Furniture components, Boxes and Crates.Works very easily with hand and machine tools but sharp edges are needed for a smooth finish, veneers easily, good gluing and nailing properties.
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