Prism Cistern Blocks Detergents

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GHC 18

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    Store Name: LYNE Enterprise Call : 0244839768 2nd Telephone Number: 0501232471 Whatsapp Number: 0244839768 Location: Teiman,Accra-Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    Jan 6, 2025
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy prism cistern block in Ghana? Want to know prism cistern blocks price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!

    General specifications at a glance- Prism Cistern Block In Ghana

    • FRESH, CLEAN SCENTS – Prism 4pk toilet bowl fresheners comes with Six (6) toilet blocks that contains powerful cleaning agents that keep your toilet bowl clean and smelling fresh, with each block lasting for at least 14 days!
    • EASY TO USE – There are a couple of ways you can use our toilet bowl freshener. Both methods are completely easy. First, all you need to do is open the fill valve and throw one of our cistern blocks in. The other is to use a plastic hanger you may have from previous bowl cleaners, put our cistern blocks in, and hang it on the toilet bowl rim.
    • EFFECTIVE – Our toilet bowl fresheners prevents build up and rings keeping your toilet clean longer between cleanings. They are water-soluble, 100% biodegradable, acid-free and wrapped in a poly wrapper to preserve freshness, and is ideal for household or commercial use.

    Nobody wants a smelly and nasty looking toilet bowl. But at the same time, its one of those household chores that we all try to avoid doing if possible. So if you want a quick and easy way to keep you toilet bowl looking and smelling clean, then you might want to grab one of our 4pk toilet bowl fresheners!

    Our cistern blocks prevents build up of foul odours and nasty dirt rings, keeping your toilet clean and fragrant. Each of our toilet bowl fresheners are water-soluble, 100% biodegradable, acid-free and wrapped in a poly wrapper to preserve freshness. They are ideal for household or commercial use.

    Value For Money
    Each of our packs contains Six (6) blocks in total; Two (2) Ocean, Two (2) Pine, and Two (2) Bleach scents, with each block lasting for more than 14 weeks. For its quality, quantity and price, no other toilet bowl freshener even comes close to what we offer! You can even say that it’s an absolute steal!

    So, what are you waiting for?! Click the “Add to Basket” button and get one, or two, of our 4pk toilet bowl freshener set now!

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