Pomegranate Essential Oil Beauty and Cosmetics

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GHC 25

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    Store Name: Doros Essential & Supermarket Call : 0552912447 2nd Telephone Number: 0552912447 Whatsapp Number: 0552912447 Location: Accra, Ghana Email ID: doroampon3@gmail.com
    Published on
    Jun 20, 2024
    In Stock

    Want to know exactly where to buy pomegranate oil in Ghana. Want to know pomegranate oil price in Ghana? You can get all that information and much more right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. This is what reapp is all about! Shop the easy way!

    Pomegranate essential oil is most commonly used in hair care and skin care products as the oil easily penetrates the skin’s surface. It’s also commonly used to make soap, candles, and conditioners and has historically been sued to prevent sun damage and skin damage. The oil boasts a fruity fragrance that is popular in aromatherapy massage. It pairs well with carrot oil, rosehip oil, and sandalwood oil. This oil can also be used with minty essential oils for a vibrant aroma that is invigorating

    1. Acne
    The antibacterial properties helps to eliminate bacteria that causes pores that lead to breakouts and acne. By decreasing inflammation, the oil helps to reduce the look of puffiness and redness

    The oil is safe for all skin types including for people with sensitive skin, dry skin, and acne-prone skin. When used as a facial oil, it helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Make sure to mix pomegranate oil with a carrier oil to avoid irritation

    3. Moisture Retention
    This oil is a deeply penetrating oil that helps to improve hydration in hair

    4. Growth
    The oil is a popular ingredient in head massage as it helps to stimulate hair growth

    Simply combine a few drops of pomegranate oil with a half teaspoon of coconut oil. Rub the mixture between your hands and gently massage the scalp in a circular motion.

    5. Oil Production
    Pomegranate essential oil helps to balance the oil production of the scalp by moderating pH level. This results in a less greasy scalp for some individuals



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