
PG Tips Tea Food and Beverages

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GHC 50
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Store Name: Natural Life Organic Health Products Call : 0242037120 2nd Telephone Number: 0242055408 Whatsapp Number: 0242037120 Location: Kissema GIMPA Road, Accra-Ghana Email ID: vanessaofori39@gmail.com
Published on
Feb 21, 2025
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General specifications at a glance

  • PG tips is England’s Number 1
  • The eighth wonder of the world pyramid bag acts like a mini teapot, giving the tea leaves room to move so you can get even more out of the great PG tips flavor.
  • This Tea Pyramid Tea Bags feature a popular British blend of the finest Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan teas which produces a rich and refreshing flavor.
  • PG tips pyramid bags are fully Rainforest Alliance Certified, so when you choose this, you’re helping us help the environment, tea farmers, and their families.
  • How to brew: 1 bag per cup, add freshly boiled water, and brew 1 to 3 minutes to your desired strength.

A Smashing Cup of Tea
Quality Tea with Exceptional Taste
The Brits go bonkers over –known internationally for their revitalizing, tasty and timeless black teas, PG Tips is loved the world over and nowhere more than in Britain where 35 million cups of PG Tips are consumed each day.

Why is PG Tips England’s one of the #1 tea? It’s the taste, of course. This tea uses only the highest quality and most flavorful top two leaves and bud off the tea plant. PG Tips flavorful black tea is harvested from the finest tips of tea plants grown in Ceylon and Kenya, providing you a quality tea with exceptional taste. All you need to do is pop the kettle on and enjoy the outstanding taste of this tea.

Founded in 1869 by Arthur Brook, developed his own quality blends mixing together various estate teas. This ensured a more consistent quality because, as with any crop, the characteristics of a consignment can vary according to climate, time of year and general growing conditions. In 1930 PG Tips was launched in the UK as a loose leaf tea in soft packs. It was originally called Pre-Gest-Tee’ but soon abbreviated by grocers and van salesmen as PG. The company adopted the official name and added ‘tips’ to highlight that PG takes only the top two leaves and a bud to make its tea. This tea is a popular British blend of the finest Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan teas which produces a rich and refreshing flavor. The definitive traditional English tea. The PG Tips pyramid tea bag gives the tea leaves more room to move around than a flat conventional tea bag. So the tea bag works like a miniature tea pot. This allows for all the freshness to be released for the best tasting cup of PG.

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