Published on
Jun 10, 2024
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Optimal Breast and Body Vitamins is an enhanced nutrition for natural Breast and Body tissues support. Made of pure organic herbs. Fortified with phytonutrients, amines, PUFA omega-3 acid family and estrogenic extracts. More than 20% fibre which may help you stay in shape while the estrogenic herbs keep at work. The outcome is a enhanced effect as all the ingredients, meeting the minimal required amount for activity, gets to work. Having all these in one laboratory verified formula gives a powerful blend you can only get in our Optimal Breast & Body Vitamins. World’s Most Outstanding breast support formula. Transparency & Quality We take pride in delivering the highest quality products to you. Knowing how important transparency and quality is to you, Optimal Breast & Body Vitamins went through a rigorous system of tests carried out on the raw materials and the finished product. This testing includes heavy metals, impurities, microbial, potency, identity and safety testing. We value quality just as much as you value your health, and as a result nothing leaves our facility without going through these required tests for a 100% quality assurance.
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