
Olive Oil 5litre Gallon Food and Beverages

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GHC 99
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Store Name: Usas Groceries Call : 0249597917 2nd Telephone Number: 0249597917 Whatsapp Number: 0249597917 Location: Cantonments,Accra,Ghana Email ID: awurabenafearon@yahoo.com
Published on
Jun 3, 2024
In Stock

Do you want to know exactly which shops in Ghana have Olive Oil in Ghana? Do you want to know their prices and exactly which shops in Ghana have them for sale? You can find all that information and much more right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal.

General specifications at a glance

  • Managing Type 2 diabetes: Researchers found that the fatty acids helped manage and lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes. In addition, higher olive intake lowered the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 16 percent.16
  • Managing inflammation: This oil is rich in oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat. Studies have shown that oleic acid is linked to reduced biomarkers of inflammation17 such as C-reactive protein.18
  • Boosting antioxidant profile: Several studies note that olive oil contains a high number of antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds, that may help remove free radicals throughout your body.19,20,21
  • Improving heart health: Numerous studies indicate that consuming olive oil can benefit your cardiovascular system in many ways, such as lowering LDL cholesterol levels,22 boosting endothelial function,23 decreasing blood pressure,24reducing platelet aggregation25 and lowering the risk of thrombosis.26
  • Reducing risk of Alzheimer’s disease: In a mice study, olive oil exhibited potential neuroprotective properties against Alzheimer’s disease.27 In another study, this time done on humans, researchers stated that the Mediterranean diet (supplemented with olive oil) helped improve cognition compared to a low-fat diet.28
  • Lowering the risk of cancer: In a study published in the Annals of Oncology, oleic acid helped inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.29

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