Published on
Feb 7, 2025
In Stock
Want to know exactly where to buy PSP in Ghana? Want to know PSP price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you require right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
General specifications at a glance
A Full Entertainment System in Your Hands
The PSP was designed to handle all varieties of applications and entertainment — music, video, communication, wireless networking, and, of course, gaming. Users will enjoy topnotch 3D games with high-quality, full-motion video, and high-fidelity audio. The 4.3-inch wide screen display is bright and beautiful, and works well under many different lighting conditions.
Hundred of Games to Choose From
The PSP gaming library is hundreds of titles strong and covers a wide variety of genres. Whether you are seeking the hard hits of football, the strategy of a puzzle game, or anything in-between there’s sure to be many games for you. The PSP is capable of graphics quality that is comparable to the PlayStation 2, but in a pocket-sized package that you can take wherever you go.
Listen to Your Music Collection Anywhere
With the ability to play MP3, WAV, WMA, ATRAC3+, and MP4 files, you can easily use your PSP as an audio player. Simply place your music on a Memory Stick Duo, and you can navigate your collection using the PSP’s XMB (XrossMediaBar) to select your song to play.
With built-in Wi-Fi you can access the Internet from any accessible hotspot. Once connected, you can surf the Web and download exclusive demos and content for your PSP from the PlayStation Store. Wi-Fi functionality also allows you to battle other gamers, both over the Internet and in your local vicinity (ad-hoc).
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