Max 357 Arctic Cod Omega Blends Health and Wellness

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GHC 330

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    Store Name: Organic Wellness Plus Call : 0548040786 Whatsapp Number: 0548040786 Location: Accra, Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    Jan 16, 2025
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    Max 357 Arctic Cod Omega Blends in Ghana – Max International Ghana | Health benefits of Max 357. Want to know exactly max 3.5.7 in Ghana? Want to know max 3.5.7 price in Ghana?

    Promotes healthy heart and vascular function.

    • Supports healthy metabolic breakdown of fat and cholesterol.
    • Helps sustain healthy function of brain, nerve and eye cells.
    • Assists the body in the regulation of blood sugar levels.
    • Promotes healthy heart and vascular function.

    The Premium Benefits of not just one, but three essential Omega Oils. Decades of research have proven how Omega Oils, also known as fatty acids, are an essential part of the human diet – as they provide numerous positive benefits on body and brain performance. Unfortunately, just as our diets of natural foods have been replaced by processed ingredients and manufactured meals, these essential Omega oils have been replaced by unhealthy saturated fats, sugars and preservatives. Now you can reclaim these important natural oils with Max357’s proprietary blend of three kinds of Omega oils – Omega 3, Omega 5, and Omega 7. Our proprietary 3-5-7 blend has been specially designed to support the upkeep of your body and mind by offering a combination of Omega rich fish oils that complement each other in providing your body the resources it requires to function as well as it should

    Provides anti-aging benefits for skin, hair and nails.

    Order your Max International Products now and get it delivered to you

    Call or whatsapp +233548040786 | 0548040786

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