Published on
Jul 30, 2024
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Want to know where to buy martin luther king jr books in Ghana? Want to know the price of martin luther king jr books in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
Martin Luther King Jr. is known for famous speeches such as I Have a Dream, and his ability to inspire the people of the United States to demand equality, regardless of the color of their skin. His ability to lead has cemented himself as one of America’s greatest civil rights advocates.
And in today’s world, his wisdom and teachings are needed more than ever. Martin Luther King Jr., On Leadership chronicles the actions of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and identifies the key leadership skills he displayed such as:
Practice what you preach
Take direct action without waiting for other agencies to act
Give credit where credit is due
Laws only declare rights, they do not deliver them
And much more . . .
This book is part history and part guide to becoming a great leader, inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., an advocate to peaceful change while never wavering in making the opposition listen and give in.
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