Published on
May 20, 2024
In Stock
Want to know where to buy Limoncello Di Capri in Ghana? Want to know Limoncello Di Capri price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
General specifications at a glance
A tasty lemon liqueur from the island of Capri
It is a pure infusion of P.G.I protected lemon peels without additives or colorants. It is the ” real deal” for simple yet delicious.
It prefect digestive or base for long drinks. The fruity, clean and striking strong flavor is long lasting with a noticeable bite and a slightly dry finish.
Alcohol volume: 32%
Size :1000ml
Origin: From Italy
A tasty lemon liqueur from the island of Capri.It is a pure infusion of P.G.I protected lemon peels without additives or colorants. It is the ” real deal” for simple yet delicious.It prefect digestive or base for long drinks. The fruity, clean and striking strong flavor is long lasting with a noticeable bite and a slightly dry finish. Alcohol volume: 32% .Size :1000ml
Origin: From Italy.
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