Published on
Jul 7, 2024
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Want to know where to buy Kallista Hyper pigmentation Capsules in Ghana? Want to know Kallista Hyper pigmentation Capsules price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here in, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
our skin puts up with a lot – intense sunlight, harsh products, sweat, dirt, make up…the list is endless. There are countless products on the market, targeting fine lines, wrinkles, spots and scarring. But there’s one pesky problem we tend to hear less about: hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation is used to describe darkened patches of skin caused by an increase in melanin, the pigment that gives skin its colour. From sun exposure and hormonal changes to melasma and scarring, hyperpigmentation can be caused by any number of factors and though usually harmless, it can give your confidence one hell of a knock.
The good news? It is possible to minimise the appearance of bothersome dark spots. Kallistia Hyper Pigmentation Cleanse capsules are specifically designed to help your body with discoloration, helping to fade existing dark spots, target dullness and even out skin tone.
Vitamin A. Belonging to the family of retinoids, Vitamin A is critical in helping to accelerate cell turnover.
Vitamin C. Renowned for its anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties, Vitamin C also helps to lighten dark patches.
Vitamin D3. Essential for skin health, Vitamin D3 plays an integral role in cell growth, health and repair.
Licorice Root Extract. A true wonder product for the skin, Licorice Root Extract contains liquiritin, an active compound that works to disperse excess melanin, It also inhibits the production of dark spots.
While flawless skin is usually only possible with a good filter, you can get pretty close to perfect with the right product. Just two capsules a day will get your skin back to its beautiful best.
Take 2 daily 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM. Best to be taken with food, as food helps uptake and absorption
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