Published on
Dec 23, 2024
In Stock
Do you want to know exactly where to buy Itel A32F in Ghana? Do you want to know its price and exactly which shops in Ghana have them for sale? You can find all that information and much more right here on, your product information portal. This is how shopping should be! So easy and enjoyable!
General specifications at a glance
The Itel A32F ia a dual SIM phone that has an android 8.1 oreo operating system. It comes with a display screen with an impressive resolution of 854 x 480 pixels. The CPU is a 1.3 Ghz quad core cortex A53 processor. With an 8GB ROM and a 1GB RAM this phones has all the features you need. It also has a 5MP rear camera and a 2MP front camera. Wondering about battery power? Well you will have a 2050 mAh li-on battery that charges quickly and lasts long on a single charge! This is the affordable high performance option you have always wanted! Order your Itel A32F directly from the retailer above now!
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