Published on
May 12, 2024
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This book is a collection of letters, texts and references of Marcus Tullius Cicero about the way to govern a country.
It is a book whose structure is a little bit random following random topics of current political discussions but whose content resonates with almost every political debate we hear today: how to fight corruption? how to fight empty rhetoric? how to win votes? how to deal with disagreements?
Though it was an interesting book that helped me understand a little bit better my political views, it is a typical confirmation bias book where you feel that things that you believe in are being confirmed by Marcus the philosopher, Marcus the consul or Marcus the politician.
“Using fear to maintain power simply doesn’t work. But the leader who keeps the goodwill of his people is secure.”
“Kindness is stronger than fear. That is the best rule for governing a country and for leading one’s own life.”
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