
One Crank Hospital Bed Health and Wellness

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GHC 3,400 GHC 3,300
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Store Name: Hisway Surgical Call : 0557754821 Whatsapp Number: 0540221485 Location: DANSOMAN-SAHARA Email ID: hiswaysurgicals@gmail.com
Published on
Jul 4, 2024
In Stock

Hospital beds are designed to be safe. You can adjust the side rails of your bed to prevent falling out of bed. These rails also give you something to grab onto to adjust yourself and get comfortable. Hospital beds can be adjusted easily. They can be moved up and down, making it easier for you to get in and out of bed. They also make it much easier for caregivers to assist you. There will be less awkward positions and reaching in unnatural position to help you move around and get situated in bed.Hospital beds are one of the most effective types of beds for anyone with mobility issues. And, they are not just for hospitals. You can use them at home as well. They are a great option to provide you or your loved ones with maximum comfort, functionality and safety at homeGetting a good night’s sleep is very important. Whether you have mobility or health issues getting comfortable and finding the right sleep position can be challenging. A hospital bed can allow you to easily adjust your position to get comfortable.Many people want to stay in the home they love for as long as possible. A hospital bed allows you stay in your home, even if you have health and mobility issues.


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