Himalaya Confido Health and Wellness

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GHC 101.70

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    Remember, you saw it on Reapp Ghana!
    Published on
    Mar 28, 2024
    In Stock

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    Cowhage or Velvet Bean
    Kapikachchu helps in the management of male sexual dysfunction by increasing sperm count and testosterone levels.

    Small Caltrops
    Gokshura functions as an aphrodisiac, which augments semen count and enhances libido. The herb is beneficial in erectile dysfunction as it strengthens the penile tissue. Protodioscin, a precursor of testosterone, found in Small Caltrops, is converted to dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). This improves flow-mediated vasodilatation of the penile arteries.

    In the forests of Burma, a curious young man looked on, as villagers fed the roots of a local herb to calm a herd of agitated elephants.
    That man was Mr. M. Manal, the founder of Himalaya, and that herb was Rauwolfia Serpentina, the inspiration that led to the creation of Serpina®, the world’s first natural antihypertensive drug, launched in 1934.

    Mr. Manal’s dream of discovering the mysteries of nature began in the year 1930. He was determined to bring to people the promise of nature’s healing power, harnessed through scientific research.

    Ninety years later, this vision has translated into Himalaya’s mission of touching people’s lives with the promise of Wellness in every Home and Happiness in every Heart.
    Himalaya began its journey at a time when herbal products were regarded with skepticism. But, our founder persevered to follow his dreams. Pawning his mother’s bangles, he bought a hand-operated tableting machine.

    After four years of extensive research, Mr. Manal formulated Serpina® and laid the foundation for Himalaya’s strong foothold in research. His vision was to bring the traditional Indian science of Ayurveda to society in a contemporary form.

    See other products right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal.



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