
Green World Vigpower Capsule – Supplement +233245703180 Green World Products

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Store Name: RT Miles Call : 0245703180 Whatsapp Number: 0245703180 Location: P. O. Box CS 8942, Tema,Ghana Email ID: rtmiles4@gmail.com
Published on
Jun 17, 2024
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Green World Vigpower Capsule

Green World Vigpower Capsule is a supplement vitamins for men.

In Brief:


  1. Green World Vigpower Capsule increases sexual desires
  2. Vigpower Capsule can increase the production of quality and quantity of sperm,
  3. It enhance the oxygen content in the blood which helps in penis erection for normal sexual performance,
  4. It regulates the sexual failure (erectile dysfunction),
  5. Conserves the vital power and strengthens the sexual ability.



Caution: This supplement vitamins / product vigpower capsule has No side effects, is safe and reliable.       


Green World Vigpower supplement / product Is suitable for:

1. Men who intend to improve sexuality

2. Men with sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or frequent spermatorrhea

3. Men with prostate enlargement


Green World Vigpower Capsule Main ingredients; yam, wolfberry, prepared rehmannia, dodder seeds, tree peony bark.     

Rehmanniae radix preparata in Green World Vigpower has antioxidant, antisenescence, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. Rehmannia is commonly found in herbal combinations used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese Medicine. Rehmannia is used for diabetes, “tired blood” (anemia), fever, weakened bones (osteoporosis), and allergies; and as a general tonic. Due to this facts, Vigpower is suitable for men with diabetes.

Green world Vigpower Capsule contains dodder seeds. Dodder seed health benefits include increased energy and sometimes greater sexual performance. Apart from this, it has long been used to prevent premature ejaculation and to promote a healthy sperm count and motility.

Vigpower ingredient include wolfberry which has long played important roles in TCM where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other effects. In general, Vigpower Capsule has many health benefits aside the reproductive benefits.


Green World Vigpower Characteristics and Health Benefits; 

Nourishes kidneys and boosts masculine vitality;

Increases sperm production and improves its quality;

Helps maintain healthy blood and oxygen supply to the penis;

Promotes normal sexual performance;

Alleviates sexual dysfunction and low passion for sex effectively; no side effect, stimulation and irritation.

It’s one of the trusted male care supplement from Green World Industries world wide. It’s has been on the market over a decade. Users rely on it due to its efficacy on erectile dysfunction. There’s many great testimonies and reviews that it works!

Looking for Green World Vigpower Capsule to buy in Lome Accra Kumasi Abidjan Joburg Nairobi on great prices? Send us a chat or contact us for more information.


To read more about supplements in the same category, please kindly follow the link: to know more Supplements / Vitamins that can improve Men’s general well-being.


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