
Green World Breast Care Tea – Supplement / Vitamins Food and Beverages

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Jun 15, 2024
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Green World Breast Care Tea

Green World Breast Care Tea Key Knowledge:

Epidemiology of breast cancer:

Breast cancer is commonest cause of death in women worldwide. Rates vary about five-fold around the world, but there increasing in regions that until recently had low rates of disease, many established risk factors are linked to estrogens.

Risk is increased by early menarche, late menopause, and obesity in post menopousal women. Prospective studies have that high concentration of endogenous estradiol are associated with an increase in risk.

Childbearing reduces risk with greater protection for early first birth and a larger number of birth. Breastfeeding probably has a protective effect both oral contraceptives at hormonal therapy for menopause cause a small increase in breast-cancer risk, which appears to diminish once use stops. Alcohol increases risk , whereas physical activity is probably protective. Mutations in certain genes greatly increase breast-cancer risk, but account for minority cases.

Other ingredients and health benefits:

Radix Angelicae Sinensis in Breast Care Tea: restrains cancer cells directly and improves immunity. Radix angelicae sinensis naphtha increases blood flow in coronary artery, decreases oxygen consumption of the cardiac muscle, enhances cardiac output and index, as well as protects from myocardial ischemia.

Ligusticum wallichii phosphoramide promotes the activity of NK cells, stimulates generation of white blood cells and prevents the formation of drug tolerance to many medicines.

Coix Lacryma-Jabi in Green World Breast Care Tea: can improve immunity and resist tumor. It restrains growth of cancer cells.

Green World Breast Care Tea contains Poria Coccus:  poria coccus tritepane compund improves immunity. Poria Coccous trtepane has the effect of anti-inflammation, antiemetic, enhancing activity of the insulin. Leopoldite in Poria Coccus reduces blood pressure and promotes urination.


Green World Breast Care Tea is Suitable for:

Female with breast lumps, breast disorders such as ibroadenomas, tumor(benign) and breast cancer (malignant), women who intend to prevent breast disorders and female who intend to improve the health condition of breast.


Green World Breast Care Tea Ingredients: Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Vetica Mangachapoi, Radix Rehmannia Glutinosa, Poria Coix Lacryma-Jabi.


Benefits and functions of Green World Breast Care Tea:

Promotes blood circulation and removes stasis, which is the main causes of tumor according to TCM, prevents breast disorders such as fibroadenomas, tumor and breast cancer, breast cancer and recurrence of after operation on breast, reduces the size breast lumps and improves immunity.

Recommended Use:

• 1-2 sachets in a day. The same sachet serves about 5 cups (approximate half a liter) of tea.

Looking for Breast Care Tea from Green World to buy in Lome Accra Kumasi Abidjan Joburg Nairobi on great prices? Send us a chat or contact us for more information.

To read more about supplements in the same category, please kindly follow the link: Supplements/Vitamins For Women


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