
Green World Blueberry Juice High Vc – Supplement / Vitamins Drinks

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GHC 275
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Store Name: RT Miles Call : 0245703180 Whatsapp Number: 0245703180 Location: P. O. Box CS 8942, Tema,Ghana Email ID: rtmiles4@gmail.com
Published on
Jun 15, 2024
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Green World  Blueberry Juice High Vc



Green World Blueberry Juice High Vc is in a powder form. Packaged in sachets.

Ingredients of Green World Blueberry Juice High VC: Blueberry Extract, American Cherry Powder, Raspberry Extract, Blackberry Extract

Characteristics and Benefits of Green World Blueberry Juice High VC:

Relieves eye asthenopia, and improves eyesight;

Anti cancer properties;

Anti-oxidation, relieves fatigue;

Protects the liver.

Green World Blueberry Juice High VC is Suitable to:

People of all age groups, especially:

People with chronic fatigue;

People with liver disorders or intend to protect liver functioning;

People intend to beautify or lose weight.

Key knowledge about Green World Blueberry Juice High VC:

American Cherry is one of the main ingredients of Green World Blueberry Juice High Vitamin C: American cherry contains high amount of iron which is 20-30 times that of apples. The melatonin constituent doubles the anti-aging effects. American cherry is rich in protein, vitamin A, B, C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron etc. It is low in calorie and high in fibre.

Green World Blueberry Juice High VC contains Raspberry Extract: Raspberry originates from Europe and America. It contains high protein, organic acids, vitamin C, salicylic acid and other nutritious elements. Long-time taking of raspberry can protect the heart, prevent hypertension, atherosclerosis, and stroke. Raspberry is the richest source of ellagic acid, which can inhibit cancer cells. Raspberry is called “Fruit for the Rich” by Europeans and Americans for its nutritious value.

American Blackberry Extract in Green World Blueberry Juice High Vitamin C: contains 17 amino acids and various vitamins essential to human body. The content of vitamin C is 5 times that of apples and 6 times that of grapes. What important is that blackberry contains rich SOD and acids which have anti-aging effects. Long-term taking of blackberry can promote longevity and delay aging. It enjoys great popularity in the world with another name – “Fruit of Life”.

Looking for Green World Blueberry High VC to buy in Lome Accra Kumasi Abidjan Joburg Nairobi on great prices? Send us a chat or contact us for more information.
To read more about supplement in the same category, please kindly follow the linkSupplements/Vitamins that can improve the liver functions.


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