Published on
Jun 17, 2024
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Green World Blueberry Anti-Aging Capsule |
Green World Blueberry Anti-Aging Health Benefits:
Key Knowledge about Anti-Aging Capsule: It has been proved by the modern medical studies that the water- soluble anthocyanin contained in blueberry has strong ant-oxidative activity. It can reflectively remove free radicals and toxins in the blood and intestinal tract, retard aging, and prevent cell degeneration.
Fractus Lycii Extract: The anti-aging effect of Fructus Lycii Extractare to activate and regenerate brain cells and endocrine glands and clear toxins accumulated in the bloody so as to maintain the normal function of all the tissue and organs in the body.
Radix Puerariae Lobattae Extract: The flavonoids contained in Radix Puerariae Lobattae Extract can remove metabolic wastes , improves physique and disease-resisting ability, delay aging and prolong life span, and maintain youthful look and appearance.
Lowers Blood Cholesterol: Blueberries Anti Aging Capsule decreases levels of low density lipids or bad cholesterol, which is a helpful for heart disease caused by atherosclerosis. Most importantly, it also lowers the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. The chemicals present in it, promote formation of HDL ( good fat) cholesterol.
Green World Anti-Aging Capsule is Suitable For:
People that want to reduce the aging process and want to look younger People aged 25 years and above Especially, senior people, elders in poor health condition People at convalescence period People with low immunity and weaker physique Usage (Dosage):2 capsules each time, 2 times in a day.
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