Forever Living Aloe Vera Gel 1ltr Forever Living Products

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GHC 300 GHC 280

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    Store Name: INatural Herb Call : 0560474579 Whatsapp Number: 0560474579 Location: Accra,Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    Sep 29, 2024

    Forever Aloe Vera Gel is the best and quality body detoxifying drink that will cleanse your body and make you body system sound and normal and equally the best natural drink for stomach disorders without no after effect.

    Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel

    It is from a natural source, It is the raw gel from the leaf. It is the same taste and color.
    It is a good source of Vitamins and has over seventy five nutrients such as amino acids, minerals, vitamins including vitamin B12.
    It washes and cleanses the digestive system and so helpful in all gastro intestinal disorders.
    It is adapt genic in nature, therefore different individuals draw different benefits depending on the needs of such individual.
    The pulp [translucent gel] from the inner leaves and the latex [bitter yellow juice] found beneath the surface of the leaves act as a powerful laxative.
    Drinking the Forever Aloe Gel helps combat bleeding and gum infections, and prevents tooth decay.



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