

01. Will I have to pay to list my products on reapp.com.gh?

After your free trial, which lasts for a minimum of 30 days, to continue enjoying our valuable offerings, you will have to to choose one of our paid packages which will be made available via e-mail.

02.  I am an individual not a business owner but will like to sell some items. Can I list on Reapp.com.gh?

Sorry, We advertise for shops/businesses only. Accounts will not be created for individuals looking to make some quick cash by selling their used or new products.

03. Can I list on Reapp.com.gh even though my business is small and does not even have an official location?

Yes! Reapp.com.gh does not only deal with large companies. We are equally interested in advertising products for small businesses and helping them achieve their maximum potential.

04. I own a shop/business how do I register my shop on Reapp.com.gh?

It’s very easy. Register here! After registration,  The review team of Reapp.com.gh will assess the shop information and give approval before the shop owner can have access to his/her account details. This review and approval process usually takes less than an hour. Account details are sent to shop owners via e-mail.

05. What do I do if I register and do not receive my account details in my e-mail inbox?

Kindly check your trash or spam.

06. How many products can an approved shop owner upload?

As many as you want. Approved shop owners have unlimited uploads.

07. Can I make changes to product or company information I uploaded on Reapp.com.gh?

Yes. Simply Login

08. Does Reapp.com.gh have share in the price of my products?

No, as a shop owner on Reapp.com.gh, you deal directly with customers so you get to keep all the cash!

09.What happens if a shop owners registration is rejected by Reapp?

Reapp.com.gh will contact the shop owner via e-mail or phone to inform him/her and suggest remedies to rectify the situation if possible.

10. How do I buy products I see on Reapp.com.gh?

Simply contact the shop owners via telephone/whatsapp and take advantage of their delivery services if available or visit the shop selling the product(s) you desire and deal directly with them. Reapp.com.gh is a product information portal. We give you the information you need to know about where to get your desired product locally. We do not sell or deliver products. All transactions are handled directly by the shop owners.


11. Why do I need to create a user account?

Creating a user account will give you  a richer experience because you will have the opportunity to

  • Rate and review sellers.
  • Message sellers via online messaging.
  • Create a custom wishlist of all the products you love.

What are you waiting for? Register as a user today!

 Still have more questions? Feel free to Contact Us.

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