When We Pray Like Jesus: Courageously Honest and Fearlessly Abandoned before God Elisa Morgan Books and Stationery

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    Published on
    Mar 16, 2024
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    A powerful exploration of Jesus’s two-sided Gethsemane prayer. . . . This book will pivot you into a more intimate relationship with God.” –Mark Batterson, pastor and bestselling author”

    Conflicted in prayer? Struggling to know what to say? Maybe not praying at all? Elisa Morgan reveals the gut-wrenching honesty and complete abandon of Jesus as He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane: “take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

    In a single sentence, Jesus both requested and relinquished. Explore this two-sided masterpiece of prayer, and discover the intimacy with the Father that Jesus died to provide.

    “Elisa Morgan is one of the most passionate, authentic communicators I have ever known. She speaks out of the deepest, most honest places of the soul—and my soul is always the richer—and moved closer to Jesus—for the listening. These are pages I have longed to read.” –Ann Voskamp, bestselling author



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