Published on
May 22, 2024
In Stock
Do you want to know exactly where to buy duck toilet cleaner in Ghana? Do you want to know duck toilet cleaner price in Ghana and exactly which shops in Ghana have them for sale? You can find all that information and much more right here on, your product information portal. Choose to shop the easy way!
Kills 99.99% of germs and removes limescale from your toilet, both above and below the waterline. With Duck’s unique bottleneck design, it can easily reach right under the rim, giving your toilet a thoroughly hygienic clean with minimal effort.
With its uniquely shaped neck that reaches right under the rim, Duck 5 In 1 Liquid Cleaner provides complete hygiene for your toilet, leaving it clean and fresh. It’s a powerful cleaner that dissolves limescale, tough stains and fights against odours as well as killing 99.9% of bacteria. Available in Pine Fresh, Marine, and Citrus Fresh so your toilet will get both a deep clean and also a lovely fragrance. Order yours directly from the retailer above now!
General specifications at a glance- Duck Toilet Cleaner Price In Ghana
Duck Liquid Cleaner provides complete hygiene for your toilet, thanks to its unique shaped neck that allows you to reach better under the rim leaving your toilet clean and with a long lasting fragrance…
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