
DBX 231 Dual Channel 31-Band Equalizer Electronics

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GHC 1,200
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Store Name: Hit Electronic Call : 0274592784 Whatsapp Number: 0274592784 Location: Accra,Ghana Email ID: ibrahimtano700@gmail.com
Published on
Nov 30, 2024
In Stock

General specifications at a glance

  • Double Equalizer
  • RF filtered electrically balance inputs.
  • With a lineage extending back to the revered 12 and 20 Series graphic equalizers, the dbx® 231 easily lives up to the dbx reputation at a price point which can find a home in the tightest of budgets. Besides including two 31-band channels of 1/3-octave equalization, the 231 also offers ±6 or ±12 dB boost/cut range; XLR, 20mm faders and 1/4″ inputs; nonconductive nylon sliders; and an intuitive user interface with comprehensive output and gain reduction metering. As always, the inevitable result of our meticulous attention to detail and top-quality componentry is exceptional sound, performance, and reliability.
  • The 2-Series represents a major step forward in the performance of entry-level graphic equalizers. From its amazing 10Hz to 50kHz frequency response, to its 108dB dynamic range and internal toroidal transformer, the 2-Series offers out of this world specifications with a down to earth price point. Sure to find a home in the studio, on tour and with installed sound venues, the 2-Series is destined to take its rightful place in the lineage of great dbx® signal processors that are the Professional’s Choice™. With such affordable quality, there’s no longer any excuse for compromising your sound.


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