Published on
Jul 21, 2024
In Stock
Special Offer
Ghs10 for purchases above 30
Want to know where to buy Tower Gate Digestive Milk Chocolate Biscuit in Ghana? Want to know Tower Gate Digestive Milk Chocolate Biscuit price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
General specifications at a glance
For the serious chocolate lovers, the best of both worlds have come together to provide you with a delicious wheat biscuit covered in a layer of milk chocolate. The crunch of the biscuit combined with the melting of the rich chocolate makes this a perfect treat. Over 75 million packets of Tower Gate chocolate digestives are eaten each year, an amazing 52 biscuits per second. Mind you, for those who already know the yummy taste of Tower Gate chocolate digestives, that figure comes as no Tower Gate Milk Chocolate Digestives has a milky chocolatey taste. No artificial colors or flavours. It can be shared with friends and family. Tower Gate Milk Chocolate Digestives biscuits can be taken with your favourite beverage or tea.
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