Di Chlorophyll Plus Guarana Health and Wellness

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GHC 400

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    Store Name: Deema Supplement Shop Call : 0503289423 2nd Telephone Number: 0246834662 Whatsapp Number: 0503289423 Location: Madina, Accra-Ghana Email ID: gracyasem@gmail.com
    Published on
    Mar 30, 2024
    In Stock


    Improves blood circulation.
    Increase oxygen supply to the tissues
    Important for cell growth and organ development.
    Supplies nutrition to cells.
    Reduces excess cholesterol and fatty acids.
    Regulates blood circulation.
    and other parts of the body, especially the head and neck.
    Prevents obstruction of brain vessels, stimulates heartbeat, strengthens the heart.
    Activates brain cells and the function of the nervous system.
    Promotes normal development of the brain. Enhances intelligence and memory.

    Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants that gives them their green color and is essential for photosynthesis. If your understanding of Class 4 school science, photosynthesis is the process through which plants take energy from sunlight to produce nutrition.

    Many people believe chlorophyll to be the root of all life on Earth because of its important function in nourishing plants, which serve as the foundation of the planet’s food chain.



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