Published on
Mar 30, 2024
In Stock
Want to know exactly where to buy Chia Seed in Ghana? Want to know Chia seed price in Ghana? You can get all that information and much more right here on,your product information portal. With reapp, getting all the product and shop information you need is very easy! Always choose to shop the easy way!
General specifications at a glance
Chia Seed
Amazing benefits of chia seeds.
Lose weight, burn belly fat and flatten tummy.
Rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
Prevents constipation.
Regulates blood sugar levels.
Prevents diabates.
Fights breast cancer and other forms of cancers.
Boost energy and metabolism.
Enhances good mood.
Good for bonnets and teeth health.
Improves skin health. Restful sleep.
Chia seeds are the edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, a flowering plant in the mint family native to Central America, or of the related Salvia columbariae of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Chia seeds are oval and gray with black and white spots, having a diameter around 1 millimetre. They have many benefits that have made the a household name all over. They help boost energy, regulate diabetes,enhances good mood, improves skin health and promotes restful and sound sleep. You can also use chia seed to help you lose weight, burn bell fat and help flatten the tummy as well!
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