Chafing Dish 9.5l Chafing Dish

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GHC 300

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    Store Name: Maps Venture Call : 0249990616 2nd Telephone Number: 0247080067 Whatsapp Number: 0249990616 Location: Tema, Greater Accra, Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    Oct 8, 2024
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy chafing dish in Accra ,Ghana? Want to know the the price of chafing dish in Accra, Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way with reapp!

    General specifications at a glance- where to buy chafing dish in accra

    • Chafing Dish 9.5L available for sale.
    • keep your food warm and ready – Alpha living’s 4 pack chafing dish allows for users to maintain their foods heat, with top-quality stainless-steel frame and body.
    • convenient structure – each chafing dish comes with 2 fuel holders, frame, A full-size pan tray, and lid. The chafing dish also has handles to ensure that the product can be moved with ease.
    • strong material – Alpha living’s chafing dish has a Stainless Steel, frame As well as a heavy duty handle that supports its 8 quart tray.
    • easy maintenance and cleaning – the chafing dish is easy to clean and maintain. Made with high quality material, ALPHA LIVING chafing dish is rust resistant and ensure long durability.
    •  foldable frame – comes with fold-able legs made with thicker Stainless Steel to ensure that its frame is effective and your food is well supported.
    • Included_components: large trays; legs; lids; small tray; alcohol stove holder; alcohol stove trays; material_type: Stainless Steel

    Constructed with stainless steel and designed to be immensely portable, the Alpha Living Stainless Steel Chafing Dish is ideal for any caterer or event host. With a unique foldable design, the chafing dish can be stacked, packed, and easily transported. With a wide surface area and a lot of depth, the chafing dish can hold up to 8 qt of food, water, or any item of your choosing.

    See other high quality kitchen appliances right here.



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