Published on
Dec 7, 2024
In Stock
Want to know where to buy butt lifter in Kumasi,Ghana? Want to know the price of butt lifter in Kumasi,Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy and convenient way with reapp!
General specifications at a glance
Butt Lifter Shapewear focus on enchance provide instant body shape, add hip dimension. Leapair Butt Lift Underwear designed to keep its shape. Butt Lifters feature a circle opening on the back designed to naturally lift up your bum. These special cuts and seams that shape and refine your hip. It adjusts perfectly to your body and you look sexy. Leapair Butt Lifter Shapewear Control Panties perfect for under any type of clothes from casual outfits to party/prom/cocktail/wedding dresses or gowns, so you can feel confident whenever and wherever you decide to wear it.
These butt lifter panty minimizes those unsightly bumps and bulges so you feel confident in your outfit. Our Leapair Butt Lifter Shapewear lightweight garment which is suitable for daily use. Seamless underneath any type of clothing, makes you look naturally slim effortlessly. Don’t compromise to get the hourglass figure you have always wanted, give yourself the indulgent comfort and jaw-dropping curves.
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