Be Part Of The Reappvolution!


Be Part Of The Reappvolution!

Where can I find nice ladies dresses for the  office? How much does a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge cost and where exactly can i buy one? We’ve all asked or been asked similar questions or even gone all the way to shops only to find out they did not have the product we were looking for! How Tragic! Questions and occurrences like this will now be a thing past because Reapp, your product information portal, is here! Although, currently operates only in Ghana, it is viewed by many as the perfect fusion of brick-and-mortar or offline retail and e-commerce. This is something so many customers have been yearning for.

So how exactly does it work? Well a customer who wants to buy a particular product simply visits and has two ways of finding out which shop has the product he or she desires. First is to “reapp” (search for a product using the search box on or visit the appropriate category where he/she is most likely to find that particular product. The user after finding the product will see the price of the product, product description, the name of the shop selling the product, the phone/whatsapp numbers of the shop, the shop’s e-mail address, location which will come in handy if the potential buyer decides to visit the shop in person. It is so simple and convenient!

Now there are two things to note here. Reapp is only for Shops/businesses not individuals looking for on-off sales to make some quick cash. This makes it more secure as the probability of fraud is greatly reduced. Secondly, since the phone numbers, locations and e-mail are displayed, customers get to order or purchase products however they want, that is via phone call,whatsapp, on-site e-mail messaging (customer requires a user account for this) or by visiting the location. There is so much flexibility; you get to buy products your way!

Now to the shop owners. Registration is free and simple. Just click the seller registration tab, fill in the necessary details. Once your registration is approved by, which usually takes a few minutes but may take a maximum of 24hrs if further clarifications are required, you should receive an auto-generated e-mail containing your account details. With your account details,You can then login and upload as many products as you like. Yes, free unlimited uploads!

So what are the benefits? It is a free and effective way to make it easier for your products to be found online by the right customers and increase your sales. Additionally, you get to deal directly with your customers since your location and contact details are clearly displayed. There are no intermediaries. We all know how building personal relationships with your customers is key to success in business. Also, you get to know what is hot and what is not as you are able to see how many people view each of the products you upload. You can see testimonials from some of our numerous happy retailers at the bottom of the homepage.

So there you have it. The reappvolution is here and you need to be part of it. Visit and do not forget to connect with @reappghana on twitter,facebook and instagram for more updates. Check us out on youtube too!


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