Published on
Apr 10, 2024
In Stock
Want to know where to buy black and white aldo sneakers in Ghana? Want to know black aldo sneakers price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
General specifications at a glance
Since 1972, our founder Mr.B, instilled a profound vision:
That we can be stylish and still stay real. That we can be humble souls with generous hearts. That we can be brave enough to stand for something big. And, that we can always have fun. This is our foundation. The source of love we infuse into every shoe, handbag, accessory we make. And so much more
Business mind
Business kind
Our founder, Mr.B, was born the son of a shoe merchant, grandson of a cobbler and believed in more than just selling shoes. His eponymous line of shoes made its debut on six feet of department store shelf space in 1972 and in 1978, the first ALDO freestanding store opened its door in Montreal, a city he fell in love with. Ever since, he was always determined to create a new kind of business.
A brand built on love, integrity & respect
Can a global fashion brand be built on human values like love, integrity & respect? These aren’t words typically heard within the fashion industry…But ALDO has never been typical.
Our Commitments
Deeply rooted in our foundation, and enabled by associates, we encourage and inspire each other to generously give back.
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